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Deep Cleaning vs Regular office Cleaning: What You’re Actually Missing

Deep Cleaning vs Regular office Cleaning: What You’re Actually Missing Commercial Clean Brisbane

Keeping your office clean and organized is an important task for your overall health and happiness. Sometimes life gets crazy, and it seems impossible to maintain it; but trust us, with a good strategy, anything is possible! The main tip we can give you is to divide your cleaning routine into regular cleaning and deep cleaning. Maintaining a nice and neat office over the years requires that you do both types regularly, just with different levels of frequency.

At least once a week we need to take care of dusting, wiping down surfaces, and cleaning the floors; this is the basic cleaning, a bare minimum. But once in a while, you should also go beyond these tasks. A few times of the year the so cold “house deep cleaning” should involve tidying and disinfecting the office from top to bottom. Removing dirt and dust that you’d usually miss with regular cleaning, from the ceilings to floors and all spaces in between.

It may sound overwhelming, so let us help you figure it all out! To make things easier and clearer, we separated the different kinds of tasks. Read the text below and take it as a sign that you need to choose which ones to perform over your household sooner.

Let’s start by introducing you to the regular house cleaning—also referred to by professionals as a basic cleaning or a standard cleaning. The tasks you must perform regularly to keep your office fresh and well-organized. The checklist points involve:

  • Tidying up – picking all those random items on the floor and putting them in their place.
  • Cleaning the floors – vacuuming, and mopping.
  • Dusting all rooms – dining room, living room, bedrooms, hallway.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting of the kitchen surfaces, including cooking devices, the sink.
  • Cleaning the bathrooms – sink, mirror, bath, shower, toilet, etc.
  • Making the beds, changing the sheets.
  • Taking out the trash (this would ideally be a daily task).